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On the day after church appointments were announced, a United Methodist Pastor felt led by the Spirit to go into the wilderness for a season of prayer.

In a desert place, the pastor wondered, "Are there better than/lesser than appointments?" "Am I better than or lesser than?"

The pastor started to compare his/her gift set with others. Better than? Lesser? About the same?

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 came to mind: "There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us."

("New Living Translation of The Bible")

The pastor took a deep breath and rested a while.

"Lord, I could rest in your love forever!"

Awakening to the image of Jesus on a cross, s/he pondered,

"Did Jesus of Nazareth pursue what humanity commonly considered to be the biggest, best, highest skyscraper of the hill appointments?"

"Or did Jesus' defining life purpose to embody his Father's will lead him to downward descent?"

Jesus of Nazareth said "Yes!" to his appointment from God and gave his life away in love.

Saying "Yes" to the only appointment that really matters led him to the Galilee. Saying "Yes" to the only appointment that sets us free led him to Golgotha.

"Remember your baptism and be thankful!" the pastor shouted.

Dying to self and rising in Christ influences all true eternal callings!

May all appointments lead to sacrificial love and resurrection life!

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