Immersion in the Jesus way of being and doing resembles sitting in a kayak, riding the winds and currents breathed by Holy Spirit.
Sometimes when I kayak on the lake I make up my own mind where I want to go. I paddle as hard as I can for as long as I can until I run out of breath.
It's like that with life sometimes too. I get bored and want to make something happen so I make up my mind what I'm going to do and paddle as fast as I can. After I grow weary, I stop and pray.
What does it look like to be still with the Author of agape?
What does it look like to awaken, jump into a kayak called Christlikeness, breathe in and breathe out the presence of God?
Like Jesus in the wilderness, I start to notice enticing currents that tempt me to take a ride on prevalent currents flowing through society.
Triune God, which currents originate in sources of idolatry?
Tilt ears to Good Shepherd Jesus and prayerfully ponder...
Immediately one stream stirs, "Yo! Go with the flow!" Take a Disney like ride on this love boat and everybody will like you. You'll be so hip people will let you get your way.
Another current carries countless riders rising waves, "Keep yo stuff!" the steam boat roars. Protect your (ass)...uh assets . Protect yo money! Vote your pocket book. Deny death and vulnerability! Deny suffering and pain. Who cares about the eco-systems of the earth and what state we leave the air our great grandchildren and future generations will struggle to breathe? Oil prices and inflation rule the day! So what if creation groans? We're going to get shipped off yonder some day any how. Who cares about those with less? Place dollar bills over your eyes and you won't have to see persons who are crying. Love Jesus and he'll give you more! Love Jesus and he'll give you all the security systems money can buy. While you're at it, continue your long vacation from church. All they do is try to take your money anyway. Jesus and me is a lot easier than Jesus and a whole bunch of people you're too tired to really grow to know and yes maybe even grow to love. More people to love equals more people who want your money!
Oh yea, and don't forget the stream of consciousness called, "We got all the right answers! Ride me and be right all the time." Being right matters more than being in right relationship. It's easier when you can keep people strange. Instead of letting them mess you up, you can blame them for all of the world's problems. Chill with persons just like like you. Simplify! Who needs unsettling conversations? Avoid change at any cost. The price is worth it.
Enough of that... I'm getting sea sick and I'm about to puke!
"Jesus awaken senses, currents that flow straight from the river originating in the heart and realm of our Father God!"...
A lot of quiet... gently letting thoughts ride the wind...
Sheer silence... Be still... Know God...
Ducks and eagles singing? Way low! Way high!
Fish a jumpin'...
Oops! Kayak almost tips over...
A lot of taking your hand off the paddle waiting on the Spirit to move...
Ruminating on scripture...
Rate of movement in rhythm with heart beats of Creator...
Sudden loud SPLASH!
UT OH!!!
Tipped overboard to ride big fish like Jonah to be vomited up on the shores where Jesus sends us... to love the people we wanted to avoid.
Riding adventurous Holy Spirit waves bringing conversion...
Caring enough to lay our lives on the line to invite others to join us in the holy community we call church riding out into the world to lift up the name of Jesus...
Could this be?
Could this be...
