God helps us become like Jesus through the journey of friendship formation. As part of our discovery time, participants will be invited to share sacred stories centered upon relationships that have influenced whose we are, who we are, and who we hope to become.
- Gathering One:
- Friendship with God
- Gathering Two:
- Sharing stories formed during childhood and ways these significant relationships influence our perceptions of God.
- Gathering Three:
- In what ways have your significant friendships helped you to become more Christlike?
- Gathering Four:
- What happens when we base our selection of friends upon the conception: Jesus’ friends are our friends too?
- What happens when we base our selection of friends upon the conception: Jesus’ friends are our friends too?
When will we gather?
Thursdays: January 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
How will we gather?
Via Zoom
$50 for all four sessions
(The size of the group will consist of 8 to 12 persons.)
Course 10: A Journey of Friendship